The New Year

     Last year was the year of glow ups. I have a tiny one, but my friends had a huge one. From getting contacts to having your hair dyed. My style definitely got a lot better as well. I am doing good with grades and sports so that year was kinda ok. The end of last year was just weird though.
         This year will be the year of growing up. I am going to be in high school, so I need to become more mature. I am the most mature person in my family but mostly do not act like it. I will not get my permit this year but need to be ready for that. Also, not have so much drama in my life. With drama I will not get anything done.
        I can improve my life for the new year by staying away from the wrong crowd. People I don’t like need to stay away from me and I will do the same. Without those people in my life it will be perfect. Kicking those people away from me will be great so I can focus on important things not some pity stuff.
        My favorite part about last year was definitely growing closer with all my friends. Volleyball pretty much did that for me since we were with each other most of the day. We all mainly get along besides a few people. Also, just hanging out with them more and just having a great time while doing so.
          My most successful story from last year is doing good in softball. I am pretty ok at the sport. Last year was a great sports season which was good. I caught a lot of balls so that is a highlight from the season. Lastly, I did not strike out once which was a huge improvement.
        If I could celebrate the new year anywhere in the world, I would choose Paris. I have always wanted to go there and being on the Eiffel tower would be so amazing. Having it all lit up makes a great picture place. I could have a croissant in my hand.
         Last year in five words is sad, happy, scary, pretty, fast. All throughout last year it was all of that. The year went by so fast I do not remember half of the stuff. Becoming 13 was scary because you have more pressure on you because you’re a teenager. Around us nature was pretty even though we are destroying it. Sad and happy because those were just the main emotions the whole time.
        My three goals for this year are to do good in school, do good in sports, and better myself. For school I need to study more and pay attention. Sports, practice more and more every day. For myself make the changes I need to.


  1. Excellent job of completing all of the questions. Your answers were insightful and thoughtful. You are really showing maturity by stepping back and looking at yourself and what you need to do. You have so much potential in everything; I hope that you continue to grow and push yourself. Keep on the straight and narrow in high school; don't get involved in the wrong crowd and let yourself be sidetracked. You're too smart for that.


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