
Which do you feel Americans should invest more in: space travel or mental health?

    I feel as if Americans should invest more into mental health. There are a lot of problems happening to people. With more investment we can find cures or really anything to help. Using it for travel is just going to show things we know. Since scientists know a lot about space they should know a great amount about it. So why spend all the time and money on things we know. While this investment would help everyone around the world live better. Also, health should come before anything. Everyone says your life is more important which it is so why not invest in it more. To, conclude that is why I believe we should invest more in mental health.

After Quarantine

What is the first thing you are going to do when the stay-home order is lifted?  The first thing that I am doing when the stay-home order is lifted is visiting my friends. It has been really boring not to be able to see and talk with them every day. I can text them but it is not the same as face to face. Also, I am going to Walmart because I need some stuff to try TikToks of course. Lastly, getting a new phone, I have been waiting to get one and now I can't because I am not gonna order online or go into the store. 

Photos of What I have been doing


Quarantine Meme

During quarantine life has been extremely boring. My sleep schedule is terrible, I haven't been to bed yet. Also, my room should be clean with being home for this long but nope. Since quarantine I have been at my grandma's house for a little. My cousins came to my house for a few days too. I watch TV a lot right now. I don't know why because I never do. But no matter what I am bored. Tik Tok has been a lifesaver because without it I wouldn't be lasting. What people are doing in stores taking everything it's kind of ridiculous. I miss my friends a lot. I haven't seen them in three weeks and I am losing my mind. I don't miss the drama though. Well, to conclude that is what me being quarantine has consisted of.

The New Year

     Last year was the year of glow ups. I have a tiny one, but my friends had a huge one. From getting contacts to having your hair dyed. My style definitely got a lot better as well. I am doing good with grades and sports so that year was kinda ok. The end of last year was just weird though.          This year will be the year of growing up. I am going to be in high school, so I need to become more mature. I am the most mature person in my family but mostly do not act like it. I will not get my permit this year but need to be ready for that. Also, not have so much drama in my life. With drama I will not get anything done.         I can improve my life for the new year by staying away from the wrong crowd. People I don’t like need to stay away from me and I will do the same. Without those people in my life it will be perfect. Kicking those people away from me will be great so I can focus on important things not some pi...

My Passion

“Shut up Heather,” my friend Olivia says while we make a Tik Tok. We finish the Tik Tok but “should I post it,” I ask myself. No, I look terrible but yes because it looks really good. “Are you going to post it,” Olivia asks me. “Yea I will.” I couldn’t not post it, if Tik Tok is my passion and I hold myself back then I won’t be able to continue. So, if I need to deal with myself looking bad then I will. Because I will continue to do it because I love it. Tik Tok became my passion when my friends and I made a competition. Whoever gets to 1,000 followers first wins. I am nowhere near but filming them is still really fun. I used to do but then yea you know it kind of ended. I had 200 followers on my old account, but I didn’t think it was fair if I just used that account. Since then I have been making Tik Toks and watching them quite a bit. It really became my passion when I realized how fun they were to make, and I see them all day every day. All of my friends do the dance...

My Favorite Holiday

    Every year my family celebrates Christmas and Christmas Eve. On Christmas Eve. my family either travels to my grandma's house or they come to our house. By they I mean my aunt, two cousins, and grandma. So the traveling happens and at night during that day we all open one present so we can have something to do that night. When they arrive we put all of the gifts under the tree and it is a lot of presents. Also, later that night I help my aunt wrap my cousins presents. Then I go to bed.     On Christmas day I wake up really early but I am not going to wake up my whole family so I just watch TV. Later in the morning everyone gets up and we might eat breakfast but probably not. So, we open presents and that takes like an hour. We take a bunch of pictures and then my cousins begin to open all the gifts and play with them. If we hadn't eaten breakfast then we eat after the presents and just chill for the rest of the day. But everything just depends because I also hav...